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The Economic and Revenue Forecast Council produces seventeen (17) publications a year. This includes:

If you are looking for historical publications that are not available on our website, please use the Feedback form and we will forward you electronic copies of those documents.

Recent Publications

Monthly Economic and Revenue Updates

In order to promote the free flow of information the agency distributes a monthly Economic and Revenue Update.

The staff of the Economic and Revenue Forecast Council prepares a publication to update the members of the Council and the Work Group on current conditions.

RCW 82.33.040 requires the agency to provide revenue collection information the first business day following the conclusion of each collection period (currently 10th of each month, however this will be changing in the spring of 2018 due to availability of revenue data).

Quarterly Economic and Revenue Forecast Publication

Each quarter the staff of the Economic and Revenue Forecast Council prepares a publication that goes in depth into the assumptions and data used in the quarterly forecasts.

Each publication updates the track record of the forecast (found in Chapter 3).

A popular data set available in this publication is the selected inflation indicators. Please note that Washington does not have its’ own Consumer Price Index (CPI), the closest representation to a “Washington CPI” is the Seattle Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA) which includes Seattle, Tacoma, and Bremerton. The inflation indicators are found in the Appendix section.

Publication Updates

For earlier additions up to 2002, please visit our Archives.

For anything older than 2002, please contact us using our "Feedback" form and in the "Comments/Questions" box put the publications month and year that you are looking for.

Publication Archives