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Senator Yasmin Trudeau

Washington State Senate


Sen. Yasmin Trudeau represents Washington’s 27th Legislative District, which includes Tacoma, Ruston, Browns Point, Dash Point, and Fife. She currently serves as vice chair of the Law & Justice Committee, Environment, Energy & Technology Committee, Housing Committee and as one of the two Senate Democrats negotiating the Capital Budget. This year, she was also elected by her peers to be Chair of the Senate Members of Color Caucus.

Prior to her role as State Senator, she was the Legislative and Tribal Affairs Director for the WA Attorney General’s Office and is a licensed attorney. She has also served as Senate Democratic Caucus staff and Legislative Assistant to then State Senator and now Congresswoman Pramila Jayapal.

Yasmin is motivated by her lived experience. She spent time in the foster care system and faced housing insecurity throughout her youth and early adulthood. This has given her a deep perspective on the challenges that face many of our most vulnerable community members face every day and has knowledge about the state system responses.  

She lives in Tacoma with her husband, 2 children, and cat, Mr. Jinx.