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Transportation Forecast

ESHB 1838 transferred responsibility for transportation revenue forecasting from the Transportation Revenue Forecast Council (TRFC) to the Transportation Economic and Revenue Forecast Council (TERFC) beginning with the September 2024 forecast. The TERFC is made up of the chairs and ranking members of the House and Senate Transportation Committees, the State Treasurer, the Director of the Office of Financial Management, and the Director of the Department of Licensing. Forecasts are created four times per year in February or March (depending on whether the session is a 60-day or 105-day session), June, September and November. Forecasts are prepared by agency staff at the State Patrol, and Departments of Licensing and Transportation and then combined with forecasts prepared by Economic and Revenue Forecast Council (ERFC) staff and submitted to the TERFC. These forecasts are then reviewed and approved by members of the TERFC with an affirmative vote of at least five members required for approval.

For transportation revenue forecasts completed prior to September 2024, please see the Office of Financial Management’s website:

OFM Transportation Revenue Information


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